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Korein Tillery sends two speakers to the Relativity Fest e-discovery conference

Korein Tillery, a leader in the in-house management of complex litigation e-discovery, showcased its experience at Relativity Fest 2018. This annual event designed to educate and connect the e-discovery community on technological advances and best practices in the field, was held September 30th through October 3rd in Chicago.

Stephanie Clerkin, Korein Tillery’s Director of Litigation Support, was an invited panelist for “Generation e-Discovery: How Boomers, GenXers, and Millennials Work Together (or Apart) in Today’s e-Discovery Landscape.”  As the “Millennial” representative on the panel, Ms. Clerkin, an ACEDS Certified e-Discovery Specialist and Relativity Certified Administrator, shared her experiences with how different generations within the firm have approached working with and adapting to e-discovery advances.

Jeanine Bermel, an attorney in Korein Tillery’s St. Louis office, focuses on electronic discovery and technology issues. With nearly three decades of litigation experience, Ms. Bermel was an invited panelist for “What Do YOU Consider Privileged?” in which she offered her own hard won practical insights into the varieties of state and federal privileges and issues to consider when reviewing for potential privilege claims or contesting privilege claims.

Korein Tillery maintains its own in-house e-discovery platform and highly trained personnel to manage the largest and most complex of matters. From collection to review to counterparty production, Korein Tillery has demonstrated an ability to skillfully manage all aspects of the e-discovery process in cases featuring scores of parties and tens of millions of documents.


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